Adjusting to Life After Rehab
Life after rehab is an ongoing struggle after having to beat the crippling clutches of addiction. The battle has been won but the war rages on.
The addiction was easy.
The difficulty comes in the day-to-day activities without the crutch of drugs.
Your body and mind have adjusted to everyday activities while under the influence. This is why relapse is so frequent.
You’ve done an amazing job by completing a recovery program.
Life will throw you unexpected curveballs.
This article will help you understand challenges you’ll face with life after rehab.
The journey begins…
Life after Rehab: The Continuing Battles
Kicking the addiction can take a matter of weeks. The real battle is that a recovering addict will always have the temptation to fall back in.
How does one combat the on-going temptations in life after rehab?
Social Circle
Peer pressure is the enemy of your recovery. You must remove those that cause temptation.
Communication is key
Talk with close individuals about your on-going battle.
They’re less likely to invite you to events which have the drugs available.
Those respectful of your decision will help with recovery. Those that are pushers will single themselves out, so you can be cut them from your social circle.
Habits & Health
Life after rehab is like a breakup.
The common advice in both scenarios? Work on your physical health.
This means starting a workout routine. These activities create routines and improve your physical health. Getting into shape opens new social interactions which can reinforce your drive for recovery.
The same goes for habits.
Hobbies, attending events, and other activities will keep you distracted from the pressures of drug use. You develop new skills, meet new people, and learn how to react to the pressures.
Outpatient and Halfway Houses
Family support isn’t always present because of relationship strains, but outpatient treatment is available.
This is an ongoing support and treatment program that provides aid and guidance. The program is less intense but valuable to those understanding of life after rehab.
Halfway houses are another option for those without connections. These locations will provide a safe space for recovery. Other individuals are present which creates a great support network.
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Recovery programs and treatments will start the process towards sobriety.
The real battle is with on-going support and focus.
There will be many instances which tempt you back to the previous lifestyle especially after you’ve hurt so many.
The only way to combat these demons is by knowing the triggers and finding outlets that aren’t drugs.
Will you relapse?
It’s a possibility.
You must keep trying:
- Tap into support networks
- Practice mindfulness
- Work toward new, bigger goals
- Communicate your problems
- Join an alumni program
There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
It may be difficult to see but when it’s reached it leads to personal well-being, greater relationships, health, and a bright future.
Have questions that need answers?
Call us today at 844-597-1367 to learn how to begin (and continue) your process of recovery.
Reviewed and Assessed by
Taylor Brown, B.A.Com., MAADC II
Tim Coleman, M. of Ed.