Midwest Recovery Centers Blog

Why is Setting Boundaries in Recovery So Important?

Why is Setting Boundaries in Recovery So Important?

Because a healthy self-image is key to the recovery process, setting boundaries and limits is crucial to the recovering addict. Setting and keeping boundaries is essential to achieving a healthy sense of self-worth.

How Long Are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings?

How Long Are Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings?

One of the responsibilities of the meeting facilitator is to ensure the meeting adheres closely to that one-hour mark, as people attending often have to get back to work or other commitments. Sometimes, especially when there is a speaker, the meeting may run over by a few minutes.

What is Extended Care Addiction Treatment?

What is Extended Care Addiction Treatment?

After the primary residential treatment program has been completed, clients can receive valuable continued support for drug or alcohol addiction recovery in the form of extended care treatment.

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders?

In the addiction treatment realm, you’ll often hear the term “co-occurring” or “co-occurring disorder” tossed around. But what does it mean?

How To Support A Loved One In Recovery

How To Support A Loved One In Recovery

Watching a loved one struggle through the addiction recovery process can be heartbreaking. You likely want to be there to help them through it, but you may not know exactly what you can do for them.

Why Group Recovery Works

Why Group Recovery Works

Group therapy is an incredible tool which can instill a sense of confidence, hope and reassurance that you are not alone in your journey to recovery.

The Power of 12-Step Recovery

The Power of 12-Step Recovery

By structuring your recovery around a positive group setting, 12-step programs can jumpstart your connection to others, helping you connect and support people who are also struggling with addiction.

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