How Can People Hold Themselves Accountable in Recovery?

depressed man in addiction recovery group

Two elements are essential to addiction recovery: accepting that there is a problem and assuming personal responsibility for overcoming that problem. Holding ourselves accountable means taking responsibility for our actions or decisions, especially in light of a negative event. When we don’t take responsibility for our actions, we are denying there is a problem and blaming someone or something else for the resulting situation.

The Importance of Accountability in Recovery

Recovery begins when the addict takes ownership of their situation and commits to doing what is necessary to change things and move forward. Honesty and accountability build self-esteem, and self-esteem is integral to recovery. It’s through accountability that a recovering addict learns to be honest. Honesty then becomes the stepping stone to a clean life with healthy relationships

How Do Support Groups Help with Accountability?

Accountability is a vital component in the success of 12-step programs and group therapy. Recovering addicts learn to be honest with themselves and others in the group. They support one another as they learn to identify triggers or locations that have facilitated addictive behavior in the past. These groups are a safe place to air negative emotions and fears, as participants know that others have been there and will not judge. Listening to how others in the group have made honesty and accountability the key to repairing damaged relationships and maintaining sobriety gives hope to those new to the recovery process. As accountability grows, so, too, does the confidence of the recovering addict that positive, lasting changes are attainable in their lives.

Using a Sponsor or Accountability Partner

In Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a sponsor is someone who has worked the 12 steps, been in recovery for at least a year, and no longer drinks. A sponsor acts as a mentor to other AA members offering support and accountability. A similar role, outside of AA, is often called an accountability partner.

Having a sponsor or accountability partner can help a recovering addict maintain accountability and achieve recovery goals. It’s someone who can be contacted day or night if a recovering addict finds him or herself in a situation that threatens their recovery goals. Accountability is essential in helping recovering addicts achieve and maintain a clean and sober life.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, Midwest Recovery Centers can help you find a path towards recovery. Contact us today and start your recovery now.


Reviewed and Assessed by
Taylor Brown, B.A.Com., MAADC II
Tim Coleman, M. of Ed.

Staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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